The industrial solid-liquid mixing
Triblenders effectively allows to mix the powders to liquids
Triblenders consist essentially of a centrifugal pump mounted so that the inlet is pointing up, with a hopper for loading.
Triblenders are used in chemical plants, pharmaceutical and food to mix the powders, in default amount, with a liquid (usually water). Their main use is in fact the preparation of the departure of the fermenters.
Triblenders in wet and dry ingredients separated until they enter the mixing chamber.
The effectiveness of mixing of powder and liquid inside the triblenders, is influenced by several variables:
-fluid temperature,
-the viscosity of the product;
-humidity, dust;
-size (the diameter and shape of dust particles).
In accordance with these characteristics, specific to each production process, it is necessary to design triblenders correct size for power and size.
In triblenders get the right degree of mixing depends on the proper sizing of the feed pumps and exhaust.
It ‘important fact to keep a constant flow of fluid in triblenders to obtain a constant vacuum: a vacuum without the addition of the constant dust in triblenders will fail and end cap could create an effect, with consequent interruption of the process
To design efficient triblenders should be clear then the chemical and physical characteristics of the product in order to equip the facilities with the right power pumps.
Pilotta Angelo Srl – plant and machinery for the food and pharmaceutical industries – construction mixers and reactors – Via Fratelli Cervi, 10 – Rho (Milan) – Italy – tel. +3902/93909023